Tuesday, February 02, 2016


My interest in the present political posturing is equal to how many gays on Castro Street support Cruz/Trump. LOL. Like 0!!!!!!

I am going to pretty much ignore politics from here on out. I don't find any real use in it. My prediction which I have said before: I am a Democrat and think that what will happen is the same as last Presidential election. The "demographics" just favor the Democrats. Their (1) base, (2) far left, (3) hispanics, (4) blacks and if they vote, (5) millennials. The President only won by 5 million votes in the last election. 

The Republican sideshow is like a bunch of 7th graders and is unlikely to catch fire, I believe; but anything could happen. Who would have thought that someone like Trump who has insulted most everybody, is still around, in all his obnoxious self. I am nonplused.

Politics is corruptive by its very nature, I believe. I don't mean we are like some 3d world country even if we act like it occasionally. A politician gets in office. He/she loses the concept of public service. Reelection is the goal. Think of it, someone running for office, say Hillary: She will shake your hand, "please give me your vote." Once elected, they would not give you the time of day. 

I support Bernie and have long before he began to get traction. Bernie offers the only possibility of change as I see it. Will it happen? I doubt it. But, Bernie's new. Hillary and Bill have had their chance. 

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