Tuesday, January 05, 2016


My Seminary professor use to say, "empathy is when you feel so much for a person that you can be inside their skin." I saw this in our president. The President has touched me a couple of times with his empathy--this appeal for gun control where he chocked up. Quite a picture. And, at the Charleston memorial for those murdered and his singing "Amazing Grace." 

His very human response won't make any real difference. It is politics. And, the electorate continues to be stupid (putting back into office the same ones). What I can't get--where is America's empathy? Who knows if more gun control will stop more senseless killings. With a country of 330 million, there are enough crazies to go around. 

 But, empathetic Americans can mirror the President. Simply said, empathy means this: what if it was our child dead because of gun violence? 

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