Sunday, October 18, 2015

Social Media

A few months back, my wife and I went to Seattle for our first gay wedding. I went kicking and screaming but it turned out OK, met some nice folks. Yesterday, a couple we met came to our place for lunch. He is a high tech guru in a start up and his partner, a theater type of some sort. They were absolutely delightful and
educated us in how "millennials" think/act. Here is my interpretation. They are always connected and organize their lives around social media. Their friends on social media are organized in groups, whom they are involved with in various avenues of their lives. They are "Facebook" friends with my wife and many others who were at their wedding. They touch base on FB and announce they are coming to San Francisco, give dates, etc. They "couch surf" (think that is the term--it is, relatively speaking,  where people who are "friends" on social media offer up their couch for free. There is a website). They didn't "couch surf" but could have. My wife checks in on FB, they plan lunch with us. Delightful. Their next social activity is already planned through FB. Absolutely fascinating to me. 

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