Thursday, March 06, 2014


Ukraine is a little like Afghanistan in our psyche. We had never heard of it or maybe never thought about it until we got mired in it up to our ass. (I personally thought Carter was off-base in canceling the Olympics when Russia took over Afghanistan. All his action did was penalize American athletes). It should give us pause now. But, it doesn't. It is as though our brains get soaked in formaldehyde. In fact, Ukraine should bring to mine invasions of Panama and Grenada. Do we run the risk of hypocrisy. Much of the rest of the world thinks so I bet. Think Iraq. F..k

It is hard to get your arms around what has happened in Ukraine. What we can get our arms around is that we have no part in what Russia does on its borders or anywhere for that matter; yet we are at the center of the potential conflict. What the hell? Our potential for stupidity is overwhelming. We have all these voices acting like, as usual, this is our battle. It ain't our fight. Putin is going to do what he is going to do. 

I just think we want the heck out of it. I hear voices like John McCain and John Kerry and I wonder what the Hell!!! Really. People who have known war don't want to even contemplate it but these two are "sisters under the skin:" maxed out hawks.  If not war, even the tough talk. McCain is really a mystery. This guy has suffered in war. POW/tortured. He surely knows about Vietnam--we could have stayed over there forever. We could not beat HO. 

And John Kerry is talking tough. What the hell. He is still battling the Swift Boat Vets who kept him from the presidency maybe. I have always thought they were "used." Who knows. But, Kerry's hawkish attitude bespeaks of unresolved issues along his time in Nam. Here is a guy who during Vietnam became a peacenik. Now, the ultimate hawk. What I don't get is something that is almost universal for combat vets. They hate war. If you have known it, the horrors of it, you sure as shit, hate it and want to avoid at all costs.  Maybe the Swift Boat vets knew something about Kerry that we don't. Kerry talking tough bullshit is a mystery.

What worries most people and it surely does me. Some little disagreements add up to big trouble. While the two vets like NcCain and Kerry ought to be tamping down the rhetoric, they are leading the chorus. Come on! 

Americans who care are weary of war. Our problems at home are enormous. Let's take a step backwards here. We are almost universally hated and blamed for meddling. 

Time to chart another course? I think so. Listening to some young State Dept issuing threats ain't helping the situation. Let's SHUT THE F..K UP!!!!!!

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