Friday, September 14, 2012

Don't Jump To Conclusions

Because we are so health conscience in California. Well, maybe I shouldn't say California. We did get duped by the big tobacco companies and didn't pass an anti smoking bill that would have probably saved thousands of lives. But, by in large we are health conscience and so recently when I was looking at the Lifestyles/marriage section of the Sunday's NY Times and saw what I envisioned was a somewhat large couple featured in what appeared to be an elaborate wedding. But, then as I looked more closely, I saw a portable oxygen tank and then I started reading. I was already slapping myself. Here was a couple very much in love, already into heartache road but had found each other and just as their life plans were chrystalizing, the fiancée came down with cancer. Their world shattered and with what little money they had going for medical bills, no chances for a wedding. Somehow the groom scraped together enough for a ring and an organization, Wish Upon A Wedding gave them their special day. And, the bride was sticking with him. Lesson here in addition to not being jugemental is that Wish Upon A Wedding needs to be applauded as well as the NY Times. The "Times" usually appears to feature those handsome young couples, future Wall Street Bankers amd Harvard graduates whose parents are incredibly successful themselves. And, I am going to better be on top of it: being a rather large person doesn't mean that you are less than anybody else. It could mean lots of things; only the individual can determine that. However, the least of which what you look like has anything to say about who you truly are. God bless us all.

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