Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I've never heard of Katrina Vanden Heuvel but she is speaking my language. Her book, "The Change I Believe In," is one I'm going to believe in. She has the best critique of the President I've read. Some disappointment but a realization that he is at heart, a "reform president domestically, committed to improving people's lives and to the renewal and reconstruction of America." I believe that and have viewed the president as discovering the running of a country is a hell of a lot different than campaigning. He has tried to reach out to Republicans and they have chew his hand off. Here's where he could have taken a note from Hillary. She never doubted the Republicans hated her and that good will was as illusive as a "straight" man in San Fran's Castro. The president would have served himself and us better if from the beginning he had said, "f..k you very much."

Vanden Heuvel's outlook is a little different from mine. But not much. Where she is somewhat tempered in her view, I am less so. For me, the Republicans have been a recalcitrant bunch of sorry MFers who, with their racist views, announced from day one that they had only one goal: bring down the President. The choir was led by Mitch McConnell, a KY racist who is minority leader of the Senate. In fact, the f..ker announced it publically--One goal, defeat the president. She mentions but a little too academic and not forceful enough for my taste that Democrats, which she spells with a "little d" need more patience. My idea: listen you sorry ass Dems of any label, left wing, right wing, moderate, progressive, where the f..k are you going to go, you sure as hell better wake up and smell the roses or you are going to wake up one morning and the roses will be replaced by some big ass self interest that the Repubs have dreamed up.

The description of Vanden Heuvel's book sounds more than promising. I'm not quite as optimistic. But, then again, I don't know s..t! Greed is going to have to be overcome and that is a hell of a proposition.

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