Thursday, June 03, 2010


It is always a little HUMOROUS to me when someone claims to have served
in Vietnam but didn't. For at least ten years after Vietnam, we didn't
talk about Vietnam. It wasn't that we were ashamed of what we did but
we weren't stupid either. For almost some inexplicable reason, the
general public somehow identified us with the ills of the country,
made worse by Vietnam. So, what did we do? Kept our mouths shut.

To be honest, we simply did our duty. Next case. And, time does some
crazy things, at least in my view. Serving in Vietnam has become a
kind of badge of honor. "I am a Vietnam vet" became in vogue.

I was absolutely intrigued. Vets were coming out of the woodwork. And,
suddenly I would see guys claiming to be vets that simply made me
smile. The homeless guys who were drugged out were putting Vietnam vet
on their signs--Please help. Vietnam vet. Many were too young to be
Vietnam vets and, the old guys were getting mileage out of it.

Now, of course, we are getting guys like Blumenthal, a politician from
Connecticut embellishing his resume. He went from a six month Marine
Reservist to a combat vet. Now, trust me, that is a leap. What do vets
think about it? We are all over the map. For me, I could care less. I
did my duty, served my country, survived. Other vets are not so kind.
They range from calling Blumenthal a sorry MF to lying SOB to typical

Here's what I've noticed about non vets. When I talk to them,
regardless of what they say, there appears to be some sort of
underlying feeling--a major singular event of their lives happened and
they missed it. In a sense, maybe this "missing this singular event,"
regardless of the reason, is behind the "wanna be" types like
Blumenthals' lying. Let me give Blumenthal a little comfort. Vietnam
was a "sorry" war and you didn't miss a f...... thing! Still, you
shouldn't lie.

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