Saturday, March 27, 2010


I still don't understand some of our retired military brethren. I mean here we are, you and I and all of them, the recipients of free health care, and as far as I'm concerned it's socialized medicine. And some of them are recipients three times over - Tricare, Medicare and VA. Well, that's a pretty neat deal. And frankly I'm glad I have access to all that health care. But you know what, it ain't free. All of us taxpayers are paying for it; those who served and those who didn't. I think that's socialized medicine. Of course our brethern will say, "but I served, I earned it, it's been promised to me." I don't deny that. But what's wrong with extending these benefits to all citizens in some way or another? To me it's a very selfish attitude. I've got mine and screw you. I don't want to have to run the risk of paying more taxes to include you in a universal health care system. Oh yes, and especially a universal system in which a few undocumented aliens might slip in. WR, Col., Ret

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