Sunday, December 31, 2006


Jesus only got three days and let's face it, 6 days for former President Ford is a bit over the top. In NC, we have this thing: never speak ill of the dead. And, trust me on this, we do not. In fact one of my favorite stories is about the preacher who is talking at this man's funeral. In the front row are his three young sons and wife. As the minister goes on and on, suddenly, the 12 year old gets up and walks to the casket and looks in. After the service, someone asked him, "Why did you go and look in the casket?" I wanted to make sure that was my Dad. Meaning, of course, that the words said about the Dad didn't match the kid's experience.

Former president Ford was a good man I think. He came along at a time in history when our country needed him and did the job. And, now, based on many revelations, we know how he thought about lots of things. We need to honor him and have--God bless his family.


What a thought provoking time in thinking about those departing the scene: James Brown, celebrated with much adulation: a great talent--Michael Jackson showed up at his funeral extravaganza and danced. And, then there was Saddam that went to his reward amid the fanfare of a phone camera.

Now, here is the question that we all think about and nobody knows. For those of us of faith, what happens when someone kicks off. If they have "faith", we would say that this life is not the end. Wow, this is a heavy question. OK, we're going on the plus side for the former President and Brother Brown, even if James had a few jail visits. Saddam? I don't think so. So what? Hmmmmmmmmmm--maybe joins Hitler and several others who did awful things. I don't know.


Anytime we come to a time of national reflection, maybe it is time to project our own demise. When I "hit the road," I'd kind of like not much fanfare, keep it simple, don't make folks go to much trouble. I hope I've lived a good life and hope that it is not too much an effort not to speak ill of the dead.

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